Saturday, June 28, 2008

1 more day...

Friends & family,

Just one day before we part! The boat is packed, the crew is ready (only I am left to arrive tonite  to DC ) and feeling the support from everyone! So thank you so much for all your support, best wishes and interest! I will do my best to keep up the blog & tell you all our adventures abroad.

I want to share a quote by Mark Twain that might be familiar to many. It has always haunt me, but now more than ever:

Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover...


Amore said...

Muy Buena , y muy Apropiada las "Opening Remarks…".!!!!

Anonymous said...

I love your quote!
It's so appropriate and so envigorating!

Javier Ruiz de Ojeda said...

Hope you will be now dancing with waves. Warmest regards to all the crew. :-)))

Anonymous said...

Best wishes to "Panino" and the rest of the crew. My girlsand I had a blast at the farewel party earlier on today. Our prayers and love are with all of you. Take care and keep us posted as we will be checking in every day.

-The Montes Five-

Teresita said...


bueno viaje a todos!!!! os deseo lo mejor, os seguiré fielmente desde mi mesa de estudio....jeje, me costará trabajo estudiar y no estar cada poco mirando el blog, pero se hará un esfuerzo....

mil besines baby!!!

Alejandro Alvarez said...

Capitan y tripulacion!

Unas palabras mas de animo antes de que empeceis la verdadera vais con buen ritmo podeis llegar a tiempo a la Feria de Mazagon, un clasico del litoral andaluz!

Ya me he quedado mas tranquilo cuando Juan me dijo que habia visto por ahi algunas botellitas de vino..simpre ayuda. En cuanto a novedades, a Xavi lo eligieron mejor jugador de la Eurocopa, y Zapatitos dice que ya va a ir a todos los partidos que ya ha roto el mal fario que tenia, Dios nos libre.

Ya os veo en el mapa, aunque solo a traves de Firefox..

Un fuerte abrazo